Where: The Smithtown Library - Smithtown Building, 1 N Country Rd, Smithtown, NY 11787, USA (map)
Description: Before the Flood - Leonardo DiCaprio (2016) 1 hr.36 min. – Rescheduled from February snow date -This documentary presents a riveting account of the dramatic changes now occurring around the world due to climate change. Leonardo DiCaprio travels to five continents and the Arctic to witness climate change firsthand, going on expeditions with scientists and meeting with political leaders. It also presents steps that individuals and society can take to prevent the disruption of life on our planet. Age appropriate from those in middle school to retirees! For the budding environmentalist, and also those curious about how nature and the natural world works. Contact Joy Cirigliano to register at (631) 766-3075 or register on the Smithtown Library website.
Smithtown Library's Main Branch, One North Country Road, Smithtown, NY 11787.