Where: Hempstead Lake State Park, Eagle Ave, West Hempstead, NY 11552, USA (map)
Description: Meet at Field 3 Parking Lot. Hempstead Lake State Park is an IBA that supports large numbers of flycatchers, warblers, tanagers, Great Horned Owl, and a mix of other birds from mid-April to late May. Please join Four Harbors Audubon Society as we look for some spring migrants. Please note there is a $8 per car fee after 8 a.m. unless you have a NYS Parks Pass. Seniors, 62 and over, are free on weekdays. Bring water, snacks, insect repellent, sunscreen.
Directions: Southern State Parkway West to Exit 18 (Eagle Avenue) and proceed south to parking lot 3. When you pass the booth, make left and proceed to the parking lot.
Leader: Patrice Domeischel, email fourharborsheron@gmail.com to indicate you will be attending or for additional information.
Masks are required.