Where: The Smithtown Library - Smithtown Building, 1 N Country Rd, Smithtown, NY 11787, USA (map)
Description: In Search of Balance (2016) 1h 14min -
This inspiring film follows renowned physician, Dr. Daphne Miller, as she seeks answers on how we’ve gone so far off track, health-wise, and how we can climb back to healthy living. The Earth is a complex web of organisms, all connected and able to support each branch of the tree of life, and humans are all part of that web. IN SEARCH OF BALANCE is about how we can use Earth to bring life to the planet. We’re getting closer and closer to the brink. But thanks to the efforts of those who refuse to succumb to the disease of profits over health, a new revolution is making its way across the globe—a revolution to reconnect us to the very thing that gives us life: each other, nature, the living planet and the ecosystem. Age appropriate from those in high school to retirees.
All movies will be shown at 6:30 p.m. at The Smithtown Library, Main Building, One North Country Road, Smithtown. Free and open to all. Reservations required. Call Joy Cirigliano at 631-766-3075 to register. Or call the Smithtown Library (631) 360-2480, ext. 232, or visit the Smithtown Library website to reserve seating
Library Covid-19 masking policies will be in effect. The current library policy follows NYS regulations and CDC guidelines which allow fully vaccinated individuals to conduct most public indoor activities without a mask, including within a Public Library. Because of the high numbers of both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals still contracting Covid-19, 4HAS recommends that even vaccinated individuals wear masks indoors.