Description: 4th Wednesday Bird Outing -2pm
Cedar Beach, Mt. Sinai*
Wheelchair and White Cane Accessible
Approx. 1.5 miles – to Fishing Pier and back.
Flat with accessible inclines to boardwalks.
Everyone is welcome! With the help of MerlinBird App, let’s learn to bird by ear and/or sight. We will be on the Cedar Beach Nature Trail, a cement pathway and boardwalk, which meanders through the dunes. Along the way we will be afforded views of Long Island Sound through the small trees, bushes and beach grasses which make up the dune system.
Meet: Cedar Beach 244 Harbor Road, Mt.Sinai
West end of the first parking lot near the basketball courts (right side)
* Parking fee – Pre-purchase annual permits (24+ hoursbefore) or hourly Pay Station
Only facilities offseason: portable toilets
Leader: Lucille Sanders
Please register (and for questions):