Second Wednesday Bird Walk at Chandler Estate

Wednesday, November 118:30am – 12:00pm

Monthly on the second Wednesday

Chandler estate, Mount Sinai, NY

Description: Join us on a walk through the varied grassland, saltmarsh, pine and deciduous forest habitats of The Chandler Estate. We will explore the Chandler trails and neighboring Mount Sinai Harbor as we search for some of the resident species that call Chandler their home and late migrant species that are passing through on their return trip to their wintering grounds.

It is said the estate is haunted, but the actual history is just as interesting. According to Ann Becker, who wrote a history of the area, the land was originally a girl’s camp called Camp Sewanhaka back in the1920s. After it became the Chandler Estate, cottages were erected on the land where notable people, such as Marilyn Monroe spent some time. When the hey-day of summer residents was over, the buildings fell into disrepair. Eventually, the last structure burned to the ground in 2004 and the county (having acquired the property in 2001) razed any remaining structures. Any structural debris has long been cleared and only beautiful trails with some interesting vegetation remain.

There have been 187 species reported at Chandler, including Connecticut Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat, Dickcissel, and Bohemian Waxwing. Wooded trails lead to the Mount Sinai Harbor where we might see some waders, late shorebirds, and some early waterfowl. There is a small grassland area that attracts sparrows including the Dickcissel mentioned above, and birding around the edges of the cemetery can be interesting too.

We will meet in the Congregational Church parking lot located at 233 N. Country Road, Mount Sinai. The trails are located behind the church and cemetery. Email Patrice Domeischel at to reserve.   Please wear face mask.

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